I'm moving to New York City

October 29, 2011

I have some bitter/sweet news to share with everyone. It is bitter because of how much I will miss everyone but sweet because of the fresh opportunity and adventure. After living in the Emerald City, a place I've called home for the last five years, I have decided to move to Brooklyn, New York.My desire to move to the Big Apple was not a quick decision, but rather one brewing over the course of many years. In high school, I always talked to my art teacher about dreaming about New York to see Warhol paintings in real life and photography all the urban landscapes. After college I had the hope of going to grad school at The School of Visual Arts or Hunter College in which the opportunities did not pan out. Finally, I went to visit NYC with my college roommate Scott and it blew me away.It was everything I hoped for and imagined…and more. I absolutely loved the pace there, and the people were so nice. Yes, I said New Yorkers were nice. After a few days in New York I realized, "you can ride the wave of energy or just get totally consumed by it." I decided I want to choose the latter. There are so many people here—the best in the industry.Dreamers are here. Hopeless romantics are here. Yeah, creeps are crackheads are here too, but you see where I'm going.After returning from Europe I had this realization about Seattle. At first it was negative, but then it revealed it's true self. My desire to move from Seattle is not "to get away from Seattle", but rather, "to experience the rest of the world."  There is so much in the world I want to see.My recent visit in September confirmed that I wanted to be in Brooklyn, New York. The place fits me like a glove and I feel like I'm in my element there.So what's next? Well, I'm going to sell everything and get rid of all my posessions, then move. The only thing I'm bringin: A bag of clothes, my Mac and my cat. I will continue to work with Xhatch Interactive and am excited about us having our presence in New York.This is not an easy move for me. Five years of my life, important years, have been here in Seattle, Washington. I was raised in the Northwest, and I will dearly miss all of my friends I have made here, it it is a bit emotional for me to think about leaving everyone. Seattle may not be the city where I was born, but it was indeed the place that defined my identity and took care of me. I will be forever grateful.The bitter is leaving my dear friends, but the sweet is the potential and opportunity. I am looking forward to people watching on the subway and long walks through the neighborhoods. Everything will be seen through a fresh lens. Let's not forget I can easily go watch the New York Yankees play next Spring. I see  New York as a place I can make a career here, meet new friends, converse with passing strangers, and hopefully meet that special person and fall in love.There is much work to be done before I leave. No Sleep 'Till Brooklyn.

P.S. Here's a clip of Mike Doughty performing "The Idiot Kings", one of the songs that inspired me to move to New York.P.P.S. What's that saying..."If I can move a 23 pound cat to New York, I can make it anywhere"? I think Sinatra said it.

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